A conscious way forward with technology

Welcome to UNDIVIDED! Here you will find a well-spring of resources that will help you heal smartphone addiction, reclaim your attention, and create a more conscious relationship with technology. If you desire to be more intentional about your tech use, and spend less time on a screen and more time in the real world, you’re in the right place!

UNDIVIDED will teach you simple, transformative ways to completely re-work your relationship with technology. Experience the heartfelt shift as you learn to align your core values with your screen time. Move from feeling fragmented, overstimulated and addicted to your smartphone, to reclaiming the power of choice, and feeling the pleasure of presence, deep connection, and undivided attention. Let’s do this, together.

Be free from the grasp of technology.

Learn how to HEAL cycles of phone addiction

Reclaim your attention span

Strengthen your tech BOUNDARIES

Deepen into more nourishing activities offline

Reclaim the pleasure of your deep FOCUS

Deepen intimacy with nature

Strengthen our tech BOUNDARIES

Take back hours of your day from mindless scrolling

Cultivate deeper PRESENCE

Practice healthy ways of using social media

Remember the POWER of your choice

Create new supportive habits with your phone


There are many ways to work with the teachings of UNDIVIDED; customized workshops for groups & businesses, private coaching sessions and a library of free resources. Additionally, the full, self-paced UNDIVIDED Course will be launching Summer ‘24. Have an idea for something you don’t see here? Send us a note!

The quality of your attention

determines the quality of your life.

Your attention is your love.

Smartphones were invented only a decade ago, yet it's hard to remember life without them. They have understandably captivated our attention, and are getting more advanced and addictive by the day. Undeniably, smartphones are miraculous tools; they provide us with instant global connection and access to information, commerce and entertainment beyond anything humanity has seen. And yet, how we are currently using our phones is fragmenting our attention, dissolving our focus and leaving us feeling anxious, over-stimulated, distracted and unfulfilled. We all feel it.

As our phones have become increasingly more addictive, we have not been taught meaningful ways to engage (or disengage) with them, that would support our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. The teachings of UNDIVIDED are designed to empower you to take back agency with your phone and devices and craft a new way with your devices. Put your phone back in its rightful place; as a helpful TOOL that you USE, not one that uses you. A symbiotic relationship is possible. 



Conscious Technology for your WELLBEING

Virtual Workshop

Monday March 25 // 3:00 - 4:30PM PST

In this workshop hosted by The Well Studio, Olivia Ashton of UNDIVIDED will guide you in cultivating a new relationship with technology in a conscious way. You'll learn boundaries for technology to increase your life force energy and to ultimately feel more connected to yourself, your life, and those around you.


  • “I cannot recommend this course highly enough! I really appreciated Olivia's dedication to walking this path in her own life. The tools that she has developed have been truly helpful and beneficial in my life. Not only has UNDIVIDED helped me reshape my relationship with my technology, I also notice a direct positive correlation with my mental health when following the guidance of UNDIVIDED. This course is not a quick fix and Olivia is clear with that from the start. If you are ready to really look at what's causing your phone addiction and actually make lasting changes in your life, this course is for you.” — Noelle W

  • “UNDIVIDED has profoundly shifted my perspective of how to disconnect from my phone and mindfully engage in real life. I can't thank Olivia, our wonderful teacher, enough, for this transformative experience. Olivia's guidance was a beacon of wisdom, leading us through thoughts and lessons that made us truly savor every moment. There were many tools that were provided to help encourage healthy relationship patterns with technology. Something I have been looking for for awhile.... Olivia's warm and supportive demeanor created an inviting and compassionate learning environment. Her teachings, combined with the course's emphasis on real-life connection, left me with a renewed appreciation for the world around me and the importance of being present. Olivia's dedication and this course's thoughtful approach are truly commendable, and I'm incredibly grateful for this eye-opening journey.” — Margaux

  • “All of the intentions I rooted into at the start of this course have bloomed: to create stronger boundaries with tech, to cultivate a more regulated nervous system, to decreased the time I spent on my phone, to increased my presence and mindful connection with my child and to increase time engaging in truly nourishing activities. And this is just the beginning. I feel more grounded and less anxious. More grateful and less critical. More easeful and less urgent. Most importantly, I feel more PRESENT. " —Marissa M

Less screen time. More presence.

We’ll be with you every step of the way.